Rolled Oat Crunch - PaisleyJade

Rolled Oat Crunch

By PaisleyJade - Friday, December 04, 2009

Guess who has been getting all creative in the kitchen lately?

Ever since my birthday when Mr Master Chef appeared, I've been spoilt with the odd culinary delight... including this slice made late at night 'for the kids lunches tomorrow'.

I can't remember quite how many pieces of slice actually made it into their lunch boxes... but it's the thought that counts they say!

This slice is delicious and perfect for adding your own selection of sliced nuts and dried fruit etc. It's also super easy (no offence honey!).

And as always, a certain little Miss was hanging around wanting to taste the things while I'm trying to take photos of them.

Rolled Oat Crunch (taken from my husband's school cooking class exercise book!)

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup coconut
½ cup brown sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
100 grams butter, melted

Put dry ingredients into a bowl and pour melted butter over top, stir.

Pour mixture into tin and bake at 150-175°C for 25-30 minutes.

Once removed from oven, mark into squares while still warm and once cooled, slice and store in airtight container (well hidden from hungry husbands).

For more delicious recipes visit here.

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  1. MMMM I think I have that same recipe in my old school book.

  2. Looks tasty, very impressed even if it is easy!

  3. Form 2 Home Economics ROCKED!

  4. Hi Kristy! You won my gratitude journal giveaway! Congrats! Kindly email me your shipping address.My email addy can be found on the right side portion of my blog.


  5. Sounds good! :)

  6. I love anything with oats in it. Looks yummy!

  7. vanessa11:45 pm

    Should the mixture be quite dry before baking? And really crumbly straight after it comes out of the oven?

    1. Hi Vanessa! Yes, it is quite a crunchy slice. How did yours turn out in the end?

    2. vanessa10:49 pm

      It tasted good but still think it went in the oven a little too dry. After it cooled down it was a bit less crumbly but still not really crunchy. Will have to try it again :-)


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