My quest for house trained sons... - PaisleyJade

My quest for house trained sons...

By PaisleyJade - Sunday, November 01, 2009

In July last year I did a post about my dream to have fully house-trained sons (see here)... well, you could imagine my heart swell when Master 8 recently asked me if he could get the washing in off the line all by himself!

I went out the check on him a bit later (armed with my trusty camera) and was even more excited to see him wearing my ever so manly 'paisley peg apron' (which was even modelled by another man when it was made - just letting you know so you realise those aren't my hairy arms in the photo).

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  1. You future daughter in laws are going to LOVE you!

  2. that's awesome!

    p.s are your kids REALLY tall? I have to almost stand on a stool to reach mine lol

  3. Ah that's so lovley that he wanted to help!!!

  4. I too am trying to train up my little guy, his room today resembles a bomb site!


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