"I wanna be a Dokta" - PaisleyJade

"I wanna be a Dokta"

By PaisleyJade - Saturday, September 26, 2009

After a recent post about Miss 2's struggle with a fear of Doctors (see here), a friend suggested getting a little medical play-set to help overcome this fear. I immediately thought it sounded like a great idea!

Today we spotted a super cheap one ($1.99) and I thought we'd get it and give this whole idea a go.

Guess who wants to be a doctor when she grows up?

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  1. check out those adorable baby blues!!!! what a sweetie

  2. My daughter takes her daughter's dr. kit with them when they go to the dr. She and Emory play doctor in the examining room while waiting on him to come to examine Emory. It works wonders.

  3. So cute! :) Getting the medical playset was such a good idea. I'll have to remember that.

    Thank you for visiting my blog! :)

  4. Anonymous3:56 am

    SO CUTE!!!

  5. ooohhhthis brings back good memories! my most treasured childhood toy was my medical playset!

  6. awww what a cutie!

  7. great idea and find!
    She is too lovely!

  8. Yay, lets hope now she has a whole new way of thinking about doctors :) Her eyes are gorgeous, she is very lucky to be blessed with those xxx

  9. you guys make the most gorgeous kids! what a little honey


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