
By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Some days call for takeaways... and as you can see by the expression, we don't get takeaways that often!

Today was one of those days... exhaustion (mentally, physically and emotionally) would sum it up quite nicely. Nothing too major... just lots of little things that add up if you know what I mean. Those are the days when I don't really care about the health benefits (well lack of) in fish and chips!

Speaking of takeaways, have you ever pulled a takeaway prank on a friend? I remember as a young girl, hanging out with my brother and neighbours... I honestly didn't really have a clue what they were doing... but I remember them placing a pizza order for a guy down the road and then we all watched out the window as the pizza delivery guy went in with the pizza, and then came out again with the pizza.

The pizza delivery guy didn't look too happy.

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  1. She certainly does look stoked with those fish and chips! Yum!

  2. The pizza delivery story reminds me of something my cousins and I would have done, that is , if there had been pizza delivery way back then in this little town. Funny, but mischievious at the same time.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You should see the kids when we get pizza!

  5. hope you get better soon k!

  6. Okay for the record I've just read your post now! Now I know why I got a funny txt from Symon this morning re: the pizzas for tea tonight! lol...I promise we won't play a prank on you guys - just want to see you get better fast! Can you handle two nights of take aways?

  7. I'm so for a take-out night! A simple way of taking the edge off a crap day!

  8. Hey Kristy, I have those kinds of days regularly! Where would we be without takeaways?

  9. Rugby Practise at our place tonight and it's been a highly busy and emotionally stressy day so fish and chips for us too Yay!

    They have gone up heaps in price at our shop though -$21.40 to feed our family of 6!!! ouch!

  10. Tee hee - the arrival of fish and chips into our hose usually prompts bewildered, then disbelieving then exactly that expression you have going there. Well done for knowing when to fold on a good ol' takeaway. Hope you're back to health speedily!


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