I had the bestest surprise today when I went to pick the boys up from school... a lovely friend handed me a pressy (wrapped in shiny gold paper) and told me, "I thought of you when I saw this". I couldn't wait to open up the gift... inside was the coolest thing... the book "I love crochet" by Rachel Henderson & Sarah Hazell....

Narnia's first trip to the local doggy park... ...
Today is my 1 year blogging anniversary, 294 posts later! I love SouleMama's words recently about what blogging meant to her... for she took the words right out of my mouth (only hers are much better)... This blog... it's one of the ways in which I remind myself of the joys, the beauty and the blessings around me each and every day. Writing...
Yesterday was a very special day... the day when New Zealand and Australia remember and honour members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps who fought at Gallipoli during World War I (plus others are honoured too who have died and served in military ops for our country since). What a great day to make ANZAC biscuits... I love how food can...

No crocheting in the car today for me... but I did somehow get another square finished. ** Only two more days until the softie giveaway winner is drawn! Enter here if you haven't already ** ...

We went for a bit of a drive today as things were getting a bit chaotic in the house with it being wet outside and full of humans and pets inside! Aaaaarrrgggghhhh! Anyway, "what could be better than crocheting in the car" I thought to myself. As I sat crocheting my granny square, I looked up to see a young lady smiling at...

These are a few of the things I am LOVING at the moment... Seeing the little designer inside starting to show... I am loving Miss 4's softie pattern designs... I even noticed some creative marble play in Master 7's room! Warm toes I am loving my toes socks at the moment.. and I am also loving Art by Anya's Footsie Fridays! Aren't feet...

I did it... I actually completed a granny square. I ended up resorting to youtube and watching a left-handed tutorial, and then it finally all came back to me. The funny thing is Mandrake's reaction to this whole crochet thing... he thinks I've turned into a real Nana now. He's put up with all the softies and totes without complaining... but you should...
Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I remember making a blanket from granny squares when I was young. It was pretty ugly and all the granny squares were joined together with black... urgh! (please note that the blanket above is not mine! It's from here). But it's a nice memory. I know that once I used to know how to crochet... my...

Life is full of drudgery, and it's not only the 'stay-at-home' mums like me that find this... I am sure everyone has drudgery to some degree in their lives. You know what I am talking about... the preparation of food for meals, the dishes, washing, cleaning, changing nappies, endless hours spent playing little games with little tots, mowing the lawns etc (I don't...

More recycling of jeans has been going on in my home... this time with an 80's flavour! Master 9, Mandrake and I have been fighting over who is going to have this one. I think I will have it... Master 9 doesn't actually know it was his old pair of jeans that I refashioned! I nearly tore out my hair making it though......

Today I popped in to visit my parents, and collect one of my children that they were so graciously minding. After having coffee and cake together (the coffee accidentally got spilt all over dad's crotch thanks to me), Mum asked if I would help her decide where to hang a few things on their walls. They recently bought this really nice renovated bungalow......

PLEASE NOTE THIS GIVEAWAY HAS NOW CLOSED! See here for winner. In ten days it will be my 1 year blogging anniversary! So to celebrate, I'm having another softie giveaway. This giveaway is for Mandy the Matryoshka softie, and I will be drawing the winner's name on 28th April 2009 at 7pm (New Zealand time). That's in ten days time folks! Postage is...

Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment... Ponchos I did a massive sorting of clothes two days ago (sewfunky inspired me), and found clothes that Miss 4 grew out of a few years ago for Miss 2 to wear now... including two ponchos. Don't you love ponchos? I always dreamed of having one when I was young...

More of my Dad in the 60's... can I still classify this post as wordless? ...

This book caught my eye last week... "Sew Subversive... Down and Dirty DIY for the Fabulous Fashionista", put out by Stitch Lounge. All in all it's a great book! Within the pages are heaps of inspiring photos and projects, as well as a run down on the basics of sewing at the beginning of the book. Who would have thought to make a...

The fun all started when Narnia the new puppy decided to bite Miss 2's dummy teat off. I had been planning to 'disappear' the dummy sometime soon, so thankfully we blamed it all on "Naughty Narnia" and were pleasantly surprised at how easily Miss 2 took the whole drama! Now we just have the 'cloth' and 'blankey' to go. I'm not sure if...

Ta daa... one pair of jeans refashioned into two paisley lined totes. This time I didn't use my grandfather's slacks mind you! There is something deeply satisfying about recycling and refashioning... especially when paisley fabric is involved. ...