
By PaisleyJade - Monday, October 27, 2008

We got a bit of a surprise the other day when checking the eggs. One of our chickens had been quite busy and had laid a rather large egg.

It had a double yolk inside... which I used to make a really nice chocolate slice!

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  1. Spot the difference. There are 9 differences to find in this image.

  2. Wow, cant beat fresh eggs everyday.

  3. Wowzers..I've got one word: OUCH!

  4. lol at Jon... looks like a duck egg to me :)

  5. Ouch for the hen that laid that thing.....equivalent to giving birth to a 14 pound baby. (and all mums around the world shudder with the thought)

  6. Wow! The pushing she must have done to get that one out - hee hee! you want to feed that chook more often!! I agree with Anya!

  7. I can totally relate to you guys...Oh the pain, oh the pushing, what a trojan! I can still remember the day Trace came out laughing like a duck egg on the freeway....

    Lol jon


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