The art of knitting is being lost in our modern culture. Maybe people are too busy these days to knit; maybe people think knitting is only for granny's; maybe woolly jumpers aren't as trendy as they used to be, or most probably one of the main reasons is that these days it is too expensive to knit a jersey rather than buy one.
Anyway - I am glad to say that the craft is being passed on in our household. I have never been a knitter... I am way too slow, and find I get a bit bored. I have completed one or two scarves in my lifetime, but that is about it. So I was very impressed to see Miss 4's pony blanket that she completed with the help of her her Nana (very patient Nana at that!).
Anyway - I am glad to say that the craft is being passed on in our household. I have never been a knitter... I am way too slow, and find I get a bit bored. I have completed one or two scarves in my lifetime, but that is about it. So I was very impressed to see Miss 4's pony blanket that she completed with the help of her her Nana (very patient Nana at that!).

It got me thinking about a couple of male knitters I know... one is a middle aged man who loves to knit. It doesn't seem quite right to have a man knitting, but it is a lot more common than I thought.
What do you think about the clip below guys (and girls)? Do you know any male knitters? Maybe we should start a male knitting movement... I don't think my husband would be impressed if I got the boys into it, although I did have a little birdie tell me that he himself learned to knit once!