Ian & Mary Grant (founders of Parents Inc.) talk alot about the importance of creating and having family traditions. This is something that we are trying to build into our own family, and are continuing to gleen ideas from other friends and experts. Family traditions build a sense of belonging in a childs life, and help to develop secure and confident adults... well, that's what we're aiming for anyway!
Some family traditions that we keep as a family are...
Birthdays... everyone jumps into mum and dad's bed in the morning. We all share something special we like about the birthday person (e.g. I love your kind nature), then we each have a turn saying a short prayer for that person, and then it is present time! Heaps of fun and the kids really appreciate the thoughtful and kind words shared.
From birth... each child has a 'special box' where a special item of baby clothing (or toy) is saved, birthday cards, baby books and funny things said etc. are stored. Heaps of fun to look through on a rainy day and very precious to keep.
Mother's Day & Father's Day... (something we are endevouring to begin this year), the adult (mum's on mother's day etc) writes a letter to each child, sharing something special, aceivements they have made that last year and something to work on or watch out for. Once again everyone piles onto mum and dads bed and each letter is read out. Afterwards they are stored in each child's special box. Very precious (thanks Keri!!).
Easter... rather than chocolate overload on Easter, our family makes a point of reading the story of Jesus crucifixion and having communion together - hot cross buns and red fizzy is awesome! This year I discovered some chocolate lambs that have the story of Easter on the back - they went down really well too!
Christmas... we have adopted a few fun ideas from Becca here, too many to list, but have tried to plan a few fun activties leading up to Christmas that the kids enjoy, like have a red & green jelly night, making sundae faces,bubble beards in the bath and the good old Christmas Lights drive around, and on Christmas morning, all gathering around the Christmas tree to read the Christmas story and pray together. Heaps of fun and great to bring the true meaning of Christmas back to where it should be.
Let me know if anyone has any other great ideas or traditions to share!
Some family traditions that we keep as a family are...
Birthdays... everyone jumps into mum and dad's bed in the morning. We all share something special we like about the birthday person (e.g. I love your kind nature), then we each have a turn saying a short prayer for that person, and then it is present time! Heaps of fun and the kids really appreciate the thoughtful and kind words shared.
From birth... each child has a 'special box' where a special item of baby clothing (or toy) is saved, birthday cards, baby books and funny things said etc. are stored. Heaps of fun to look through on a rainy day and very precious to keep.
Mother's Day & Father's Day... (something we are endevouring to begin this year), the adult (mum's on mother's day etc) writes a letter to each child, sharing something special, aceivements they have made that last year and something to work on or watch out for. Once again everyone piles onto mum and dads bed and each letter is read out. Afterwards they are stored in each child's special box. Very precious (thanks Keri!!).
Easter... rather than chocolate overload on Easter, our family makes a point of reading the story of Jesus crucifixion and having communion together - hot cross buns and red fizzy is awesome! This year I discovered some chocolate lambs that have the story of Easter on the back - they went down really well too!
Christmas... we have adopted a few fun ideas from Becca here, too many to list, but have tried to plan a few fun activties leading up to Christmas that the kids enjoy, like have a red & green jelly night, making sundae faces,bubble beards in the bath and the good old Christmas Lights drive around, and on Christmas morning, all gathering around the Christmas tree to read the Christmas story and pray together. Heaps of fun and great to bring the true meaning of Christmas back to where it should be.
Let me know if anyone has any other great ideas or traditions to share!

Thanks for your comments... I love hearing from you!!!